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Photography was my first love; I've been capturing little moments of life for as long as I can remember. ​While there are hundreds of photos I would love to show, I've picked out a few of my favorites to save you time. All of these vary from commissioned shoots to assignments and personal favors. 

Zamudio-Galvan_Black and White Portrait
Zamudio-Galvan_Metrorail Security Guard
Zamudio-Galvan_Light Portrait
Zamudio-Galvan_Shadow Portrait
Zamudio-Galvan_Snake Demonstration
Zamudio-Galvan_Skate Park
Zamudio-Galvan_UM Student
Zamudio-Galvan_Prom Night
Zamudio-Galvan_Cake Delight
Zamudio-Galvan_First Birthday
Zamudio-Galvan_Maternity Shoot
Zamudio-Galvan_Birthday Celebration
Zamudio-Galvan_Beach Halloween
Zamudio-Galvan_WMTU Josh Peck
Zamudio-Galvan_Vance Joy
Zamudio-Galvan_El Yunque
Zamudio-Galvan_Puerto Rico Church
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