resume highlights.
2018-2022: University of Miami
B.S.C. Communication Honors - Documentary & Design and Creative Advertising
with minors in French and Public Relations
Cumulative GPA: 3.97/4.00
October 2021 - Present: Nashville, FL
Teach For America 2022 Corps Member and Elementary Educator
Selected from approximately 45,000 applicants nationwide to join a national teacher corps of recent college graduates who commit two years to teach in under-resourced public schools to address the education gap in the United States.
August 2021 - May 2022: Miami, FL
UM Student Affairs Communications & Marketing Graphic Design Intern
Interpreted the direction from submitted requests into create design concepts to create various digital and print materials for departments within the Division of Student Affairs. Projects include: movie posters, student event marketing and promotional materials, logo creation, and campaign creation.
May 2020 - January 2022: Miami, FL
UM Student Government Board of Communications Vice Chair
Led the marketing, public relations, and promotional services of SG by supervising a 12 student board of designers, writers, photographers, videographers, and social media coordinators to create print media, news media, and social media.
July 2019 - July 2020: Miami, FL
Youth Marketing Connection Aerie Real Brand Ambassador
Created weekly Instagram story content and bi-weekly Instagram in-feed content that encouraged women to feel good about their REAL selves and promoted Aerie clothing products to support the organizational mission of empowerment and body positivity.